We offer comprehensive design services from initial concept to finishing touches, whether new construction, renovation, or remodeling. Boxwood Realty + Design will be your creative partner, managing all aspects of your project through completion.

Creating beautiful spaces that comfort and delight is our passion. We approach each project with fresh eyes, and new ideas to bring your home to life. We are not bound by any one aesthetic, mixing styles, patterns, and textures, incorporating the natural beauty of the Hudson Valley to develop each home's unique personality. We love helping our clients fine-tune their own style during the design process so that the space reflects the people who inhabit it. 

  • -Interior Detailing

  • -Project Coordination and Integration with Local Builders & Craftspeople

  • -Color and Paint Selection

  • -Art Procurement and Curation 

  • -Design to Sell/Staging  

  • -Kitchen and Bathroom Design

  • -Outdoor Living

  • -Furniture Layout and Space Planning

  • -Furniture, Fabric, and Accessories Selections and Specifications

  • -Tile and Surface Selection and Layout

  • -Finish Selections and Specifications

  • -Hardware, Plumbing, and Appliance Specification

  • -Lighting Design

  • -Exterior Finish Selections